The ISS Caver Development program (CDP) is based upon the various ASF Guidelines and Codes issued for cavers to enjoy themselves safely and with minimal damage to the cave environment.
You can use this book as a reference
These ASF Codes and Guidelines can be found at
We note that these training competencies have been updated.
A spreadsheet of achievements based on the SIS10 competencies.
ISS has separated the CDP into areas for cavers, leaders, trainers and those who wish to know about cave rescue.
ISS Caving Party or Team Leaders will be using the CDP to assist in your enjoyment of our activities and the ISS Committee members will be keeping the ISS Training Tracker up to date. However, you are still expected to maintain your own Cavers Logbook.
When you have completed each module in the training package and have been signed off by the Trainer you will be sent a PDF print of the training modules you have completed for your records.
Should you wish to lead parties sometime in the future you will need to show that you can demonstrate those competencies.
ISS will be using the ASF Guidelines and old training competencies under the SIS 10, Sport, Fitness and Recreation to develop ISS members so that there is consistency for new members.
A Caver Development Program in an easy to understand format and is available for download.
ISS Caver Development Program based on SIS 10 competencies.
There is also a spreadsheet to tick off what members have achieved.
If you would like to download a Caver's Logbook to record your activities you can download it (click on the link) as Word file or an Excel Spreadsheet or a pdf version if you want to print it and keep a paper copy.
Bear in mind that we cannot assess members under the competencies nor provide any qualifications.

Photograph shows a member exiting Frenchmans Cave at Jenolan Caves.